Trials and tribulation – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 4th, 2024 in criminal justice, Crown Court, delay, legal profession, news, prisons by sally

‘Crown courts are in crisis, reports Catherine Baksi. The backlog continues to climb, the estate is crumbling and there aren’t enough lawyers. So what’s the plan?’

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Law Society's Gazette, 2nd July 2024


Tribunal rules after surgeon left women in agony – BBC News

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in consent, doctors, health, medical treatment, news, professional conduct by sally

‘A surgeon who left patients in “agony” made a number of failures, a tribunal has found.’

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BBC News, 2nd July 2024


Naoise Coakley: “You could be waiting forever”: Managing Autism Assessment Waiting Lists – Essex CAJI

‘In 2023, the York Disability Rights Forum announced their intention to bring judicial review proceedings against the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board on the basis that its adult autism and ADHD assessment pilot pathway was unlawful. The pilot had been introduced in March 2023 in response to increasing numbers of adults seeking an assessment, a growing waiting list, and an existing system which could not keep up. Effectively, the pilot introduced narrowed eligibility criteria so that only adults who were considered ‘at-risk’ were added to the waiting list for an assessment. All other adults could be placed on another waiting list with no end date, and no guarantee of an assessment. The York Disability Rights Forum says that this pilot restricts the rights of neurodivergent people from gaining diagnosis, and may violate the right to family and private life protected under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights.’

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Essex CAJI, 2nd July 2024


Raising Racism at Inquests – Law Pod UK

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in chambers articles, inquests, news, podcasts, racism by sally

‘In Episode 201 Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks to Emma Snell of JUSTICE and Christian Weaver, a barrister at Garden North Chambers about Achieving Racial Justice at Inquests: A Practitioner’s Guide (2024), a guide recently published by JUSTICE and INQUEST.’

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Law Pod UK, 3rd July 2024


Navigating belief, discrimination, employment and professional ethics: Ngole – Law & Religion UK

‘Readers with long memories may recall that when Felix Ngole was a second-year Master’s student on a social work course at Sheffield University, he was excluded from the course by the Faculty of Social Sciences Fitness to Practise Committee after comments he had posted on Facebook about his personal opposition to same-sex marriage. He sought judicial review of that decision, and though the Administrative Court found for the University, in R (Ngole) v The University of Sheffield [2019] EWCA Civ 1127 the Court of Appeal allowed his appeal and remitted his case for reconsideration. We noted the appeal here.’

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Law & Religion UK, 2nd July 2024


Judge rejects defendant’s request to pay law firm’s £2m costs – Legal Futures

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in costs, fees, fraud, law firms, news by sally

‘A High Court judge has refused a request from a defendant in the London Capital & Finance fraud case to use the proceeds of sale of his home to pay his solicitors over £2m.’

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Legal Futures, 3rd July 2024


How has Lucy Letby tried to fight guilty verdicts and what could happen next? – The Guardian

‘Lucy Letby was convicted last year of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six others at the Countess of Chester hospital in north-west England, where she worked as a nurse. She is serving 14 whole-life sentences, meaning she will never be released from prison.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd July 2024


June 2024 Roundup – Football Law

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in news, sport by tracey

‘A roundup of football law news and decisions from June 2024.’

Full Story

Football Law , 1st July 2024


Risks of AI-enabled academic misconduct flagged in new study –

‘Research has highlighted the significant risks AI use can place on the integrity of exams and assessment in universities and other higher education institutions, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 1st July 2024


Planning authorities must take account of global emissions in approvals for oil and gas fields – Supreme Court – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in climate change, local government, news, oil wells, Supreme Court by tracey

‘R (on the application of Finch on behalf of the Weald Action Group) (Appellant) v Surrey County Council and others (Respondents). A detailed summary of the issues and the facts in this case can be found in the Supreme Court’s Press Release. The report below gives a very short account of these followed by a focus on the majority and dissenting judgments. I quote Lord Sales in some detail as the concerns expressed in his dissent will only prevail if Parliament were to legislate for them to do so.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 1st July 2024


Climate Change must be counted – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square

‘Vivienne Sedgley and Simon Randle have put together a detailed analysis of a significant development from the Supreme Court in R (Finch) v Surrey County Council [2024] UKSC 20. This landmark decision mandates that Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) must consider not just emissions during oil extraction but also those from the eventual use of the oil as fuel.’

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4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, 25th June 2024


Ex-solicitor struck off 24 years ago fails in bid to return to roll – Legal Futures

‘A woman struck off as a solicitor 24 years ago has failed in her second attempt to be restored to the roll, with a tribunal saying the passage of time did not of itself justify it.’

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Legal Futures, 2nd July 2024


Court of Appeal criticises judge who ‘entered the arena to an impermissible extent’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in cross-examination, judges, news, witnesses by tracey

‘A judge accused of cross-examining an appellant during a hearing about a rejected residence card did not act fairly in his conduct and determination of the case, the Court of Appeal has found.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 1st July 2024


Man in 100mph police chase jailed – BBC News

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in dangerous driving, drug offences, news, sentencing by tracey

‘A man from Devon has been jailed for dangerous driving after speeding with his lights off to evade capture.’

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BBC News, 1st July 2024


Sex abuse head teacher ‘could have been stopped’ – BBC News

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in child abuse, inquiries, news, sexual grooming, sexual offences, teachers by tracey

‘A head teacher convicted of grooming and sexually abusing four teenage girls could have been stopped, according to a parent whose daughter had unsupervised one-to-one sessions with him.’

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BBC News, 1st July 2024


Migrant nurse wins legal boost in unfair dismissal claim against UK firm – The Guardian

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in care workers, immigration, news, nurses, unfair dismissal by tracey

‘A migrant nurse could be eligible for a significant payout from a British healthcare company after an employment judge ruled he was likely to win his case for unfair dismissal, in a judgment that could pave the way for dozens of other such cases.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 1st July 2024


Met apologises for spying on police justice campaigners in 1980s and 1990s – The Guardian

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in demonstrations, London, news, police, spying by tracey

‘The Metropolitan police have issued a series of wide-ranging apologies to campaigners for the “indefensible” use of undercover officers to spy on them, a public inquiry has heard.’

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The Guardian, 1st July 2024


Windrush pensioner facing homelessness at 89 as Home Office ‘unable to verify her identity’ – The Independent

Posted July 2nd, 2024 in homelessness, housing, identification, local government, London, news, passports by tracey

‘An 89-year-old woman from the Windrush generation is facing homelessness because the Home Office says it cannot verify her identity.’

Full Story

The Independent, 1st July 2024


Council refunded £1.5m to ‘gagged’ leaseholders – BBC News

‘A London council has been forcing residents into silence as a condition of them receiving money owed to them for building work and services they had been overcharged for – in some cases by tens of thousands of pounds.’

Full Story

BBC News, 30th June 2024


BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted July 1st, 2024 in law reports by tracey

Court of Appeal (Civil Division)

Lancashire County Council v Brookhouse Group Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 717 (28 June 2024)

Houssein & Ors v London Credit Ltd & Anor [2024] EWCA Civ 721 (28 June 2024)

CG Fry & Son Ltd v Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities & Anor [2024] EWCA Civ 730 (28 June 2024)

Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v Altrad Services Ltd & Anor [2024] EWCA Civ 720 (28 June 2024)

World Uyghur Congress, R (On the Application Of) v National Crime Agency [2024] EWCA Civ 715 (27 June 2024)

Nicholls & Anor v Mapfre Espana Compania De Seguros Y Reaseguros SA [2024] EWCA Civ 718 (27 June 2024)

King Crude Carriers SA & Ors v Ridgebury November LLC & Ors [2024] EWCA Civ 719 (27 June 2024)

Hima v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024] EWCA Civ 680 (26 June 2024)

High Court (Administrative Court)

Jackson, In the Matter Of (Re Reference under s.273 Criminal Justice Act 2003) [2024] EWHC 1557 (Admin) (28 June 2024)

One Trees Estates Ltd, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2024] EWHC 1644 (Admin) (26 June 2024)

Giana v Court of Roman, Romania [2024] EWHC 1613 (Admin) (26 June 2024)

High Court (Chancery Division)

Manolete Partners PLC v Bell & Ors (Re BSS LED [R&D] Ltd) [2024] EWHC 1636 (Ch) (28 June 2024)

Surrey Searches Ltd & Ors v Northumbrian Water Ltd & Ors [2024] EWHC 1643 (Ch) (28 June 2024)

Rarity Holdings Ltd v Parkhill [2024] EWHC 1637 (Ch) (27 June 2024)

VE Vegas Investors IV LLC v Evelyn Partners LLP & Ors [2024] EWHC 1508 (Ch) (26 June 2024)

High Court (Family Division)

BC, Re (Child in Care: Change of Forename and Surname) [2024] EWHC 1639 (Fam) (26 June 2024)

D, Re (Wardship: Jurisdiction: Cutting Across Statutory Schemes) (Rev1) [2024] EWHC 1658 (Fam) (26 June 2024)

A Local Authority v The Mother (AZ) & Ors [2024] EWHC 1670 (Fam) (21 June 2024)

AZ v BX (Child Arrangements Order: Appeal) [2024] EWHC 1528 (Fam) (21 June 2024)

High Court (Patents Court)

Abbott Diabetes Care Inc & Ors v Dexcom Inc & Ors [2024] EWHC 1664 (Pat) (28 June 2024)

High Court (King’s Bench Division)

Versi v Husain [2024] EWHC 1672 (KB) (28 June 2024)
