Fertility reform held up by MPs, says watchdog – The Guardian

Posted October 14th, 2008 in abortion, embryology, news by sally

“Plans to overhaul Britain’s fertility laws have been held up by political squabbling over abortion rights, the head of the country’s fertility watchdog said yesterday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th October 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Ruth Kelly wins fight to miss embryo Bill vote – The Times

Posted July 1st, 2008 in embryology, news, parliament by sally

“Gordon Brown has lost a of trial of strength with Ruth Kelly and is allowing her to miss a crucial vote to relax embryo research next week, The Times has learnt.”

Full story

The Times, 1st July 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

MPs vote for hybrid embryos after Brown makes plea to permit ‘moral endeavour’ – The Guardian

Posted May 20th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“MPs pushed back the boundaries of science last night when they voted to allow the creation of hybrid embryos, which have a combination of human and animal DNA, as well as saviour siblings’ to save sick children.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th May 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

MPs to begin debate on embryology and abortion – The Guardian

Posted May 19th, 2008 in abortion, assisted reproduction, embryology, news by sally

“MPs will today begin a two-day debate that will affect the future of embryo research, IVF treatment and abortion.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th May 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Widow fights for right to use sperm taken from dead husband – The Guardian

Posted May 19th, 2008 in assisted reproduction, embryology, news by sally

“A widow is fighting for the right to have a child using sperm taken from her dead husband in a case that reopens the fertility debate sparked by Diane Blood, who had two children from sperm extracted from her husband while he was in a coma.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th May 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Gordon Brown accepts compromise over fathers to save key parts of embryo Bill – The Times

Posted May 19th, 2008 in embryology, special report by sally

“The Prime Minister has accepted that he will have to sacrifice a measure on parenthood in order to save legislation to allow new embryo research and treatments.”

Full story

The Times, 19th May 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Gay group’s anger at Tory amendment to IVF Bill – The Independent

Posted May 19th, 2008 in assisted reproduction, embryology, homosexuality, news by sally

“Gay campaigners criticised the Conservative Party last night after its health spokesmen attempted to force women to give the name of their sperm donor before being allowed IVF treatment.”

Full story

The Independent, 18th May 2008

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Dr Rowan Williams compares Embryo Bill to rape and blackmail – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 12th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“The Archbishop of Canterbury on Sunday drew moral parallels between the creation of embryos for human use and rape and torture.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th May 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

MPs set to back new embryo research laws – The Guardian

Posted May 12th, 2008 in abortion, embryology, news by sally

“MPs will reject demands for tighter controls on abortion but are ready to allow new laws pushing back the boundary of research on human embryos, according to a survey carried out by the Guardian.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th May 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Related link: What’s in the bill?

Couples could win right to select deaf baby – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 14th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“Deaf couples could be allowed to use embryo-screening technology and choose to have a deaf child, after a climb-down by the Government in the face of campaigning.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 14th April 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Christian group mounts challenge to HFEA on hybrid embryo research – The Times

Posted April 8th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

” The legality of the licences that allowed the creation of Britain’s first human-animal hybrid embryos is to be challenged by a Christian group, The Times has learnt.”

Full story

The Times, 8th April 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Embryology Bill: Bishop’s ‘Frankenstein’ attack smacks of ignorance, say scientists – The Times

Posted March 25th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“Senior scientists have offered to meet Roman Catholic bishops and MPs to explain the need for legislation to allow experiments on embryos that are part-human and part-animal.”

Full story

The Times, 24th March 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Brown faces deepening revolt over embryo bill – The Observer

Posted March 25th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“Gordon Brown faces a growing revolt over embryo research as former cabinet minister Stephen Byers last night joined calls for a free vote.”

Full story

The Observer, 23rd March 2008

Source: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/

Cardinal Keith O’Brien attacks ‘monstrous’ human embryo Bill – The Times

Posted March 25th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“The Government is heading for its biggest confrontation with the Roman Catholic Church to date over its controversial new laws which will allow the creation of human-animal hybrid embryos.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd March 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Couple who want deaf child angry at IVF ban – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 11th, 2008 in assisted reproduction, embryology, news by sally

“A deaf father who wishes to have a deaf child has spoken of his anger that a clause in new fertility legislation will make it illegal to use embryos with a genetic abnormality in IVF treatment, when ones without the same defect are available.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th March 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Artificial sperm use plans ignite embryo row – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 10th, 2008 in assisted reproduction, embryology, news by sally

“The controversy over legislation on embryology grew last night following proposals to allow babies to be conceived using ‘artificial’ sperm and eggs.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 10th March 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

MPs dismayed by HFEA’s hybrid egg decision – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 3rd, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“The body which regulates embryo research is to come under fire for allowing scientists to create part-human, part-animal hybrids.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd March 2008
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Scientists claim victory in blocking stem-cell law after letter in Times – The Times

Posted February 4th, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“The Government has agreed to back down on strict laws planned for embryonic stem-cell experiments after a ‘compelling case’ was made by leading scientists in a letter to The Times.”

Full story

The Times, 2nd February 2008

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Calls to lift child embryo ban – BBC News

Posted January 31st, 2008 in embryology, news by sally

“The government is looking into calls to lift a ban on creating human or human-animal ‘hybrid’ embryos from dying children to aid key research.”

Full story

BBC News, 31st January 2008

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Pro-life MPs seek free embryo vote – The Observer

Posted January 28th, 2008 in embryology, news, parliament by sally

“Gordon Brown is facing a revolt by cabinet ministers who are demanding a free vote over the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, claiming that the ethical issues it raises are matters of conscience.”

Full story

The Observer, 27th January 2008

Source: www.guardian.co.uk