Tougher action on cannabis – Home Office

Posted October 16th, 2008 in drug offences, press releases by sally

“When cannabis is reclassified as a Class B drug in 2009, those who continually break the law will face tougher penalties.”

Full press release

Home Office, 15th October 2008


Mother was seduced by 14-year-old boy, says judge – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 14th, 2008 in children, drug offences, news, sentencing, sexual offences by sally

“A judge allowed a mother who had sex with a 14-year-old boy to walk free, saying that the boy seduced her.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 14th October 2008


New penalties for cannabis users announced – The Guardian

Posted October 13th, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“Cannabis users face new penalties when the drug is upgraded to class B from January next year, the home secretary said today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th October 2008


Pensioner caught with £1,300 cocaine in handbag escapes jail – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 13th, 2008 in drug offences, news, sentencing by sally

“A 77-year-old pensioner caught with £1,300 of cocaine in her handbag has escaped jail after telling a judge she used it to treat pneumonia.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 10th October 2008


Drugs classification should be scrapped, experts say – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 23rd, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“A leading think-tank has called for the Government’s system of drugs classification to be scrapped.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 22nd September 2008


City workers who supplied cocaine to bankers jailed – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 23rd, 2008 in drug offences, news, sentencing by sally

“Two former City workers who supplied high-flying investment bankers and traders with thousands of pounds worth of cocaine have been jailed.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 22nd September 2008


Government drug advisers begin review of ecstasy’s class A status – The Guardian

Posted September 17th, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“The government’s drug advisers will begin a review of the classification of ecstasy next week, raising the prospect that the drug could be downgraded from class A.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th September 2008


Ex-drugs policy director calls for legalisation – The Guardian

Posted August 13th, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“A former senior civil servant who was responsible for coordinating the government’s anti-drugs policy now believes that legalisation would be less harmful than the current strategy. Julian Critchley, the former director of the Cabinet Office’s anti-drugs unit, also said that his views were shared by the ‘overwhelming majority’ of professionals in the field, including police officers, health workers and members of the government.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th August 2008


Convicted drug dealers banned from owning more than one mobile phone – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 17th, 2008 in drug offences, news, telecommunications by sally

“Four convicted drug dealers have become the first criminals in England and Wales to be banned from owning or using more than one mobile telephone, under new police powers.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th July 2008


Appeal court quashes hydroponic cannabis convictions – The Guardian

Posted July 14th, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“A court of appeal decision has shone a light on the homegrown cannabis industry. The quashing of the convictions of three men involved in hydroponics comes at a time when cultivation of cannabis in the UK is at record levels.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th July 2008


Specialist drug courts ‘working’ – BBC News

Posted May 28th, 2008 in drug offences, magistrates, news by sally

“Specialist courts which deal only with drugs offenders are proving a success, the government has said.”

Full story

BBC News, 28th May 2008


Home Office considers downgrading ecstasy – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 21st, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“The legal status of Ecstasy could be reviewed, the Home Office said.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st May 2008


Cannabis laws to be strengthened – The Independent

Posted May 7th, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

” Jacqui Smith defied the Government’s own experts today by announcing that laws on cannabis will be toughened up.”

Full story

The Independent, 7th May 2008


Reefer madness: Do the drug laws work? – The Independent

Posted May 7th, 2008 in drug offences, special report by sally

“Defying the weight of medical and scientific opinion, Gordon Brown is to order tougher new laws today on cannabis possession. The Prime Minister has decided to overrule his own expert advisers and reverse the downgrading four years ago of Britain’s favourite illegal drug from a class B to a class C substance, threatening cannabis smokers with five-year prison terms.”

Full story

The Independent, 7th May 2008


Police resist tougher action on cannabis – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 1st, 2008 in drug offences, news, police by sally

“Police will not toughen their approach to cannabis when ministers upgrade the legal status of the drug to class B, it has been disclosed.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st May 2008


Brown warned that cannabis decision may face legal challenge – The Guardian

Posted April 29th, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“Gordon Brown’s decision to overturn the advice of his own group of drug experts by pressing ahead with a tougher policy on cannabis could face a high court challenge from campaigners.”

Full story

The Guardian, 29th April 2008


Rastafarian temple drugs trial collapses – The Guardian

Posted April 8th, 2008 in drug offences, news, trials by sally

“A £100,000 cannabis-dealing trial, launched following a high-profile police raid on a Rastafarian temple in south London, has collapsed in legal confusion.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th April 2008


Cannabis: tough penalties on way after another change of mind – The Times

Posted April 4th, 2008 in drug offences, news by sally

“Gordon Brown is preparing to overrule the advice of the Government’s drug advisory body and upgrade cannabis to a Class B drug, carrying tougher penalties for its possession.”

Full story

The Times, 4th April, 2008


Straw confirms expansion of dedicated drugs courts – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 2nd, 2008 in courts, drug offences, press releases by sally

“Jack Straw has confirmed that drug courts, dedicated to tackling drug misuse and related crime, are to be extended to up to four more magistrates’ courts.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 1st April 2008


Dedicated drug court pilots: a process report – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 1st, 2008 in courts, drug offences, reports by sally

“In December 2005, the then Department of Constitutional Affairs announced a commitment to pilot Dedicated Drug Courts as part of the government’s agenda to reduce drug-related crime.

Matrix Knowledge Group has produced an independent process evaluation of the pilots in England and Wales: Leeds Magistrates’ Court and West London Magistrates’ Court.”

Dedicated drug court pilots – a process report (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 31st March 2008
