Out of borough accommodation and the homelessness relief duty – raising issues on review – Nearly Legal

Posted February 26th, 2024 in appeals, homelessness, housing, local government, news by tracey

‘Moge v London Borough of Ealing (2023) EWCA Civ 464. A second appeal to the Court of Appeal from a s.204 appeal. Ms Moge was owed the section 189B Housing Act 1996 relief duty as homeless by LB Ealing. Ealing made an offer of a 24 month private tenancy in Hounslow, a neighbouring borough, in discharge of that duty. Ms M did not accept that offer within 7 days. Ealing then decided that she had refused the offer, that its relief duty was ended and, further, it did not owe the full housing duty under section 193.’

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Nearly Legal, 25th February 2024

Source: nearlylegal.co.uk