‘Successive UK Governments have promised to regulate less, better or smarter to promote economic growth and competitiveness while protecting consumers, workers and the environment. Relatively low visibility reviews and reports – recast and relaunched over time – have belied the public politics of “burning red tape”. But as the fireworks faded over Westminster as 2024 began, you could be forgiven for thinking that the lingering smoke was from the incineration of swathes of regulation produced during EU membership and revoked by the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023. Quite how big this bonfire really is, and how much is smoke and mirrors, is quantified in the first six-monthly statutory report to Parliament under section 17 of the Act and published on 22 January 2024. This post examines what we do and do not learn from this report about what is really changing in UK regulatory policy.’
UK Constitutional Law Association, 29th January 2024
Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org