Trade Marks and Passing Off: Supreme Petfoods Ltd v Henry Bell & Co (Grantham) Ltd – NIPC Law

Posted March 2nd, 2015 in intellectual property, news, trade marks by sally

‘The Lincolnshire town of Grantham educated one of the world’s greatest scientists and the first woman to be British prime minister (see “Frit” – Merck Sharp Dohme Corp v Teva Pharma BV 25 March 2012). It has a magnificent parish church and is home to Chantry Dance Company which is very special to me as you will see from the last video clip in Chantry Dance Company’s Sandman and Dream Dance 10 May 2014 Terpsichore if you read that far. It has a pub called The Beehive with a real beehive for the pub sign (how’s that for imaginative branding). Each Autumn it holds a science and arts festival in honour of Sir Isaac Newton called Gravity Fields (see Gravity Fields Festival – there’s much more to Grantham than Mrs T 8 Aug 2014 East Midlands IP).’

Full story

NIPC Law, 28th February 2015
