EVENT: LSE – The Role of the Attorney General: in conversation with Shami Chakrabarti

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Shami Chakrabarti discusses her position as Shadow Attorney General for England and Wales with questions from the audience and online.’

Date: 13th March 2017, 6.30-8.00pm

Location: Sheikh Zayed Theature, New Academic Building

Charge: Free

More information can be found here.

EVENT: King’s Think Tank Society – Racism Post-Brexit

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Racism is on the rise in the UK. Following Brexit what can only be described as an “explosion of blatant hate” has plagued the UK. Arson, vandalism, verbal assault directed at children and their parents, gangs patrolling the streets demanding people on the street prove they can speak English, men ripping Muslim women’s headscarves off. These are only a few scenes of post-Brexit Britain. But the question remains: is the racism a product of Brexit, or Brexit a product of racism?

– Mr Jon Burnett: assistant editor at the Institute of Racial Relations News, his research includes racial violence, domestic race policy in the UK and the economics of migration
– Mr Michael Fordham QC: barrister and member of Blackstone Chambers, he practises in the field of judicial review and human rights
– Dr Lucia Pradella: lecturer in International Political Economy at King’s College London, her research includes Europe in a changing world, migration and racism.’

Date: 16th February 2017, 6.00-7.30pm

Location: Waterloo

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: The Bar Council – BSB-authorised bodies: lessons learned two years on

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘This workshop session will provide attendees with an opportunity to learn more about the practicalities of the entity authorisation process from the BSB and to obtain an insight into the practicalities of running an entity from those who have been through the process themselves. The session will give attendees practical tips on what to consider when setting up an entity and will allow attendees to discuss questions with the workshop speakers.’

Date: 20th March 2017, 5.30-7.00pm

Location: The Bar Council, 289-293 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7HZ

Charge: see website for details

More information can be found here.

EVENT: YTL Centre Inaugural Lecture in Politics, Philosophy & Law – Sexual Violence: Accountability in a Culture of Celebrity by Martha Nussbaum

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘The inaugural YTL Centre Annual Lecture in Politics, Philosophy & Law will be delivered this year by one of the world’s leading philosophers and pubic intellectuals, Professor Martha C. Nussbaum.’

Date: 9th March 2017, 6.00-7.30pm

Location: Great Hall, King’s Building, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: King’s College London – Employers’ Liability Insurance Half Day Conference

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘A half day conference examining recent developments in Employers’ Liability Insurance and its interaction with the Third Parties Rights Against Insurers Act 2010 & comparison with the Road Traffic Act 1988. The programme is available to download on our website.
This half day conference is an initiative by Dr Ozlem Gurses, Reader in Insurance and Commercial Law at The Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London.
This event is CPD accredited by the Bar Strandards Board and worth 4 CPD points.’

Date: 7th March 2017, 9.00am-2.00pm

Location: SW1.17 & SW1.18, Somerset House East Wing, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: The YTL Centre for Philosophy, Politics and Law – Law & Justice Forum: A Panel Discussion of ‘The Future of Europe’

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘The YTL Centre for Politics, Philosophy & Law is delighted to invite you to our Law & Justice Forum: ‘The Future of Europe’, which will be a panel discussion involving some of the leading thinkers concerned with the prospects confronting Europe.’

Date: 16th February 2017, 1.30-5.30pm

Location: SW1.18 (Somerset House East Wing) Strand Campus

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: UCL – Ethics, computer systems and the professions

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘This workshop aims to foster robust inter-disciplinary debate on the ethical challenges raised by the professions’ growing reliance on computer systems to replace or assist them with an increasing number of tasks

The workshop will be organised around four key threads for discussion:

1. “Ethics by Design?” To what extent is it possible to design computer systems that not only reduce professionals’ cognitive load but also actively improve their situational (and ethical) awareness? (for more details download ‘Ethics, Computer Systems and the Professions’)
2. “Developing awareness of the limits of computer systems, their (in)ability to explain themselves, and their appropriate use”: Do we need a new “triage” profession?
3. Debunking “learned” biases and prohibited discrimination within computer systems
4. “Learning the trade”: will the acquisition of professional “soft skills” be compromised by the automation of simple, repetitive tasks?’

Date: 15th March 2017, 6.00-7.30pm

Location: Gustave Tuck LT, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: UCL – Brexit and Labour Rights – Challenges and Perspectives

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘As it is becoming increasingly clear that ‘Brexit really means Brexit’, a panel of distinguished speakers explores what Brexit would mean for labour rights. How are the rights of workers in the UK likely to be affected by the UK’s withdrawal from the EU? And how are the labour rights of British citizens working, on a temporary or permanent basis, in other EU countries likely to be shaped by Brexit? Finally how are EU labour rights likely to develop once the UK is no longer a Member State of the Union?’

Date: 28th February 2017, 5.30-7.30pm

Location: UCL, Pearson Building, Gower Street, London WC1HE 6BT

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: LSE – Britain, Brexit and the EU: was this a love affair gone wrong or always an unhappy marriage of convenience?

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘There are umpteen explanations for the Brexit vote. Was it the banking crisis? Or was it Henry VIII? Or the shifting tectonic plates that cut us off from the continent in the first place? The story of Britain and the EU has been complicated, controversial and ultimately sad. Hear the story and bring your own tissues.

Sir Stephen Wall (@stephenwall34) was for 35 years a member of the British Diplomatic Service. He worked closely with five British Foreign Secretaries and was Foreign Policy Adviser to Prime Minister John Major. His European experience includes five years as Head of the Foreign Office European Department; two years as Britain’s Ambassador to Portugal; five years as UK Permanent Representative to the EU and four years as EU adviser to Prime Minister Tony Blair and Head of the European Secretariat in the Cabinet Office. His book on Britain’s EU policy, A Stranger in Europe, was published in 2008. He has written The Official History of Britain and the European Community, 1963-1975, published in July 2012.’

Date: 6th March 2017, 6.30-8.00pm

Location: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building

Charge: Free

More information can be found here.

EVENT: UCL – The Constitutional Implications of the Miller Judgment

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Since the referendum on leaving the European Union, many believe that the UK has been brought to the brink of a constitutional crisis, as the government sought to use the royal prerogative to begin ‘Brexit’ without an Act of Parliament. On 24 January 2017, the Supreme Court delivered its landmark judgment in R (Miller and Dos Santos) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union. The Court, by a majority of eight to three judges, confirmed the High Court ruling that an Act of Parliament is required for a notice under Article 50(2) of the Treaty of the European Union. The judgment has profound implications for multiple facets of the British constitution, including the nature of constitutional change, intergovernmental relations within the United Kingdom, and relationships between courts, the executive and Parliament.’

Date: 22nd February 2017, 6.00-7.30pm

Location: UCL JZ Young LT, Anatomy Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: UCL – Modern Slavery in the Corporate World

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Join us as we explore this important issue of the role of the law in preventing exploitation within corporate supply chains.


Ms. Laura Spota, solicitor with the Environment and Operational Risk team, Travers Smith
Dr. Samentha Goethals, Senior Researcher on Labour Rights, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
Mr. Peter Frankental, Economic Relations Programme Director, Amnesty International UK
Dr. Barnali Choudhury, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Laws, UCL
Miss Rose Ireland, UCL Centre For Access to Justice Fellow’

Date: 21st February 2017, 6.30-8.00pm

Location: UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: Pushkin House – Evening with the Human Rights Veteran Valentina Cherevtenko

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Pushkin Club, Rights in Russia and RAW in WAR are proud to invite you to an evening with the remarkable Russian human rights veteran, Valentina CHEREVATENKO.

At the “Women of the World” Festival on the Southbank on 11th March Valentina Cherevatenko will receive this year’s Anna Politkovskaya Prize, awarded by the RAW in WAR organisation. This prize, given each year since 2007, goes to an outstanding woman human rights defender from a conflict zone. Past laureates include the late Natalya Estemirova (Chechnya/Russia), Malalai Joya ( Afghanistan) and Marie Colvin (the USA)

The event on 9 March offers a unique opportunity to meet this remarkable woman from Novocherkassk in the informal surroundings of Pushkin House. It is rare chance to listen to Valentina and hear about the continuing work. The event will be held in Russian with translation.’

Date: 9th March 2017, 7.30-9.00pm

Location: Pushkin House

Charge: £7, £5 concessions

More information can be found here.

EVENT: UCL – The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea at Twenty

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Judge Tomas Heidar (Iceland) will discuss the jurisprudence of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in its 20 years´ history. He will also consider prospects for the Tribunal´s future activities and focus on one area where there is potential for disputes that would require judicial settlement, namely the delimitation and delineation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles.’

Date: 20th February 2017, 6.00-7.00pm

Location: Sir David Davies Lecture Theatre, Engineering Front Building, Malet Place, London WC1E 7JE

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: UCL Judicial Institute – The Case for Online Courts

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘The concept of online courts was introduced in England and Wales in February 2015 by an advisory group of the Civil Justice Council. Although now strongly supported by the government and senior judiciary, it is a controversial development. Prominent representatives of the legal profession and advice sector have expressed doubts about the viability and suitability of online dispute resolution (ODR) and its potential impact on access to justice and the ‘digitally excluded’.

In this lecture, Professor Richard Susskind, who chaired the original advisory group, will provide a practical and theoretical introduction to online courts, making the case for fundamental change in the way the courts handle low value civil, family and tribunal disputes. The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion of the issues and contributions will be invited from the audience.’

Date: 16th February 2017, 5.30pm

Location: Darwin Lecture Theatre, UCL, Darwin Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.

EVENT: The Edward W Said London Lecture – Justice, not revenge

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Internationally renowned academic and author Mahmood Mamdani presents this year’s Edward W Said London Lecture, examining the concept of revolutionary justice.

Mamdani will look at how South Africa’s transition from apartheid presents a critique of the lessons that have been drawn from the Nuremberg trials – the post-war judgment of Nazi war criminals – which have been incorporated into the contemporary human rights movement and International Criminal Court. He reflects on the question of justice in the postcolonial period, in the writings of Aimé Césaire on Haiti and of Nelson Mandela in southern Africa.’

Date: 31st March 2017,

Location: BP Lecture Theatre, British Museum

Charge: £12

More information can be found here.

EVENT: Gresham College – Guilty until Proven Innocent

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘The issue of Shaken Baby or Natural Cause will be examined, using a case study involving a bereaved parent, the transformation of a family home into a crime scene, with the pregnant mother facing a murder trial and her baby removed at birth. Exoneration and reunification, despite a jury acquittal, did not happen until the Family Court’s decision. The lecture will explore how such a decision was arrived at and the impact it has had on our understanding of Non Accidental Injury (NAI) versus undiagnosed rickets and Vitamin D deficiency that can mimic gross abuse.’

Date: 2nd March 2017, 6.00-7.00pm

Location: Barnard’s Inn Hall

Charge: Free

More information can be found here.

EVENT: National Army Museum – Chilcot: Six Months On

Posted February 3rd, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘In summer 2016, the Chilcot report was published, examining whether it was right to send British forces into the Iraq War in 2003. The report addressed the decision-making of the UK government, the military leadership, and the reality of the threat posed by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.’

Date: 16th February 2017, 7.00pm

Location: Army & Navy Club, 36-39 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5JN

Charge: £10

More information can be found here.

EVENT: Gresham College – Justice Online: Just as Good?

Posted February 3rd, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Early in 2016, the criminal and civil courts of England and Wales embarked on a modernisation programme aimed at reforming procedures that have survived for centuries. The judges themselves are helping to design the computerised courts of the future. New software will empower litigants to bring and defend cases without the need for lawyers. Judges will be able to decide cases whenever and wherever they choose to open their laptops. But will justice suffer? What if you cannot manage the technology? What if your opponent but not yourself can afford legal advice? Will the courts continue to deliver justice? Might your dispute be decided by a computer? In the first of a series of three annual lectures, the reforms will be monitored as they are planned, tested and launched. Will this project be an IT disaster? Or will it demonstrate that online justice can be just as good as the courts that have served us for hundreds of years.’

Date: 22nd February 2017, 6.00-7.00pm

Location: Museum of London

Charge: Free

More information can be found here.

EVENT: Public Access Bar Association – Developing a Public Access Practice: Online Portals and Marketing

Posted February 3rd, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Speakers: Basileios Drolias (MyBarrister)

Daniel ShenSmith (ShenSmith Barristers)

Stephen Ward (Clerksroom)

Danielle Wright (Bar Council Direct Access Portal)’

Date: 8th February 2016, 6.00-7.00pm

Location: 23 Essex Street London WC2R 3AA.

Charge: PABA Members: free, Non-members: £5 (cash only) payable at the venue from 5:30pm.

More information can be found here.

EVENT: The Temple Women’s Forum – Lady Justices in Conversation

Posted January 26th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Lady Justices in Conversation with Her Honour Judge Deborah Taylor and Harini Iyengar (11 KBW)

The Rt Hon Lady Justice Black DBE (IT Bencher)
The Rt Hon Lady Justice Gloster DBE (IT Bencher)
The Rt Hon Lady Justice Hallett DBE (IT Bencher)
The Rt Hon Lady Justice King DBE (IT Bencher)
The Rt Hon Lady Justice Sharp DBE (IT Bencher)
The Rt Hon Lady Justice Thirlwall DBE (MT Bencher)’

Date: 23rd March 2017, 5.30pm

Location: Middle Temple Hall

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.