EVENT: Gresham College – To Die or Not to Die: That is the Question

Posted July 7th, 2016 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘When Hamlet posed the like question as he contemplated suicide, he faced the voyage to ‘the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns’. Similar dread was faced by judges when considering the possibility of a death sentence, due to the awesome finality of such a judgment. Even after the abolition of the death penalty, life and death decisions still have to be made by judges, such as whether a very seriously mentally disabled baby should be allowed to die rather than be force-fed, or in the case of the conjoined twins where the stark issue before the court was whether it would be lawful to kill one to save the other.’

Date: 22nd September 2016, 6.00-7.00pm

Location: Barnard’s Inn Hall

Charge: Free

More information can be found here.