Podcast 67: R v Davis – Witness Anonymity with Andrew Keogh – Charon QC

Posted July 11th, 2008 in anonymity, podcasts, witnesses by sally

“On the 18th June the House of Lords handed down their opinions
R v Davies (Appellant) (On appeal from the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division))

I quote from the speech of Lord Bingham, the senior law lord at paragraph 5 : ‘It is a long-established principle of the English common law that, subject to certain exceptions and statutory qualifications, the defendant in a criminal trial should be confronted by his accusers in order that he may cross-examine them and challenge their evidence.’

Today I am talking to Andrew Keogh, a barrister, published author and author of the White Rabbit blog about the case and the proposed anonymity legislation”


Charon QC, 10th July 2008

Source: www.charonqc.wordpress.com

“Charon QC” is the blogging pseudonym of Mike Semple Piggot, editor of insitelaw newswire.