EVENT: UCL – The Social Contribution Injustice of Punishment

Posted January 21st, 2016 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘People are social beings. We wrong a person as a social being when we deny her adequate access to decent human contact. We also wrong her as a social being when we deny her the chance to contribute socially.

This lecture explores this second type of wrong, which we can call social contribution injustice.

The obvious victims of social contribution injustice are the people we deem to be socially useless or threatening. Offenders are a paradigm example.

This lecture applies an analysis of social contribution injustice to our standard practices of punishment to expose the many ways that we wrong offenders as social beings.’

This event is accredited with 1 CPD hour with the SRA and BSB

Date: 28th January 2016, 6.00-7.00pm

Location: UCL Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, Wilkins Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.